Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

I actually saw this movie on the 20th of July, release day! As a dedicated Batman fan I couldn't wait any longer. I mean we have waited since 2008 for this film. I had greatly anticipated this movie for four years. Yep, since 2008, I have been speculating about the final chapter of Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy.

I was thirteen years old when Batman Begins was released and I remember vividly watching it at the cinema with my Dad. I think it was probably the first proper super hero film I'd seen. Yes, I'd seen cartoon superheroes, and I'd seen some rubbish, low budget Batman film, with horrific costumes and even more dire acting.
But this was the first well constructed, well acted, big budget superhero film. At the time, I didn't appreciate the film. However having viewed it several times over the years I can see just how good this film is.

This film blew me away.

I didn't really have much to say post film. I feel that Nolan delivered. Those years of waiting were worth it for such a closing film.

Casting, soundtrack, storyline, themes, script, everything came together, something that rarely happens in films.

First off, Christian Bale reprised his role as Bruce Wayne, a.k.a. Batman himself.
For me, Bale will always be Batman. Forget George Clooney and any future representations of Batman, Bale nailed it, no one will ever be as good a Bale. He expresses all the emotions you would expect Bruce Wayne to have.

Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle.
I have to be honest, I don't really like Hathaway. I find her irritating and I had my doubts about her. However I feel that she laid all those doubts to rest, she did a stunning job. She plays a character possibly as complex as Bruce Wayne. Someone who feels the need to dress up and hide their identity. However unlike Wayne she is a masked villain as opposed to a masked vigilante. There are similarities and contrasts between Kyle and Wayne.

Tom Hardy plays the true baddie in this film, a terrorist named Bane, who draws Batman out of his Batcave by threatening Gotham City. I love Tom Hardy! I think he's fantastic! I loved him in Inception, another Nolan film also starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard and Michael Cane. I loved the idea behind Bane as  a villain. At first glance he appears to be a black and white baddie, no complexity whatsoever. However he is a character with a story and Nolan weaves a masterpiece here, but I shall say no more as I don't want to spoil anything for anyone.

Good old Gary Oldman returns as Comissioner Gordon. Again, a seemingly straight forward character at first glance, but of course this is not fact. I love the steady and sane element that Gordon brings to the film. He is desperate to do that right thing. He is torn between duty and what he believes to be right.

I don't think I've seen Levitt in a film I didn't like. He is so versatile. And I loved his role in this film. There are contrasts and similarities portrayed between Officer Blake and Wayne throughout the film. Like Wayne Blake is an orphan. But unlike Wayne, Blake is not a millionaire and was raised in a boys home. Blake is driven and determined. He has similar characteristics to Wayne's. The way that Blake and Wayne focus their anger and emotion is contrasted continuously. But that is all I shall say for now, you must see the film to learn more.

And last, but by no means least,
                                           Michael Cane returns as the lovely Alfred Pennyworth.

I adore Michael Cane. Maybe because I'm British, and are there any Brits who don't love this guy??? Alfred Pennyworth is employed as a butler, but he's so much more than that. He's a Father, Uncle, friend, nurse, supporter and worrier all rolled into one. His primary concern is to see that Wayne is happy, safe and in control of his anger and guilt.

I'll start by saying that this film is intense. And long. At 165 minutes long it is a definite bum-number! But don't let that put you off, if you've survived the previous films you will be absolutely fine with this. To be truly honest I didn't even notice the time, I was completely engrossed; it does not drag. But you may wish to stock up on snacks and drinks and find a nice cushion.
It is a full 165 minutes of action, dialogue, twists and turns. It is non-stop and I felt exhausted afterwards as if I'd been running around Gotham myself.
The storyline is not straight forward, but then, you can't really expect something simple from the director of Inception!
I don't want to give too much away with regards to the story, however I will say that both Bruce Wayne and Batman face their past, their fears, and their future. Wayne is forced to choose and make decisions. There is danger and risk around every corner.

The relationships in this installment are twisty, turny. No-one is what they seem, everyone has secrets, but who can you trust?
The relationship between Wayne and Kyle is curious. Wayne realises how easy he has it compared to Kyle and Blake. All three of them had a rough childhood. However character, and circumstances dictated the paths they chose.
Loyalties, and motives are all put under scrutiny, and relationships are tested to the edge.

The music score is incredible, Hans Zimmer delivered yet again. The Batman soundtracks have been phenomenal. The soundtrack really adds to the tension and emotion of the film. You are completely unaware of it, yet at the same time conscious of it, and appreciative. The cinematography and music go hand in hand.

Costumes, well, they're mostly black or uniforms. The whole film is fairly dark in colour and slightly drab in that sense however this is Gothan not a Victorian ball. The wardrobe fits the film.

Props; the Batmobile, need I say more! And Batman of course gets some new toys in this film, including a plane.

So really in essence, this film is amazing, go see it now!!

What did you guys think of it?

1 comment:

  1. It seems that everyone cannot compliment this film enough - some critics didn't care for it but all of the bloggers I know who've seen it thought it was marvelous.


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