Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Meeting a cyber friend! And Jamba Juice!

So a couple of weeks back I had a pretty exciting Saturday.

Way back in 2008 I met three girls online. Now, I know that statement sounds slightly sketchy; please let me clarify it a bit. We came across them on Myspace, there was a funny video posted up and everyone was commenting on it, and well we all just became friends, and then Myspace became unfashionable, and we moved over to Facebook.

On Saturday the eighth of September I met one of these girls and her fiance as they travelled right past my college in California!
I can't tell you how exciting it was! It was also weird to meet someone who you feel like you've known your whole life, and constantly see status updates and photo updates for online.

They weren't able to stay long, but we had a great morning. AND they introduced me to Jamba juice!! I'm in love!


  1. That's so neat, C.C.! Glad you had that opportunity. :)

  2. I had that happen to me... it was a friend I'd met in 2002 and we finally got to meet "in real life" in 2007. It was so strange because we talked online and on the phone all the time but didn't actually get to see each other in person for 5 years. Very cool!

  3. Hey! I mentioned you in my blog post. Care to check it out? :)


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