I'd been meaning to watch it for a while now. I have to say, I loved this! I thought it was incredible.I don't think there is anything about it I would change. And unlike most films, it actually made me cry. Not just a tear in the eye thing, or welling up, I really truly cried, tears streaming down my face................. twice! So, you may want to keep the tissues handy if you watch this one; but this movie isn't a downer, don't get me wrong, the film is all about hope and moving forward, not moping around and being depressed.
What can I say about casting? Well, I personally think the casting was brilliant.
She is passionate, driven, optimistic, hard-working, cheeky, smart, and just completely adorable really. She is a strong, independent woman, without being too femenistic. Unlike all the girls she went to school with, she graduated from high school and is unmarried. She doesn't fall into the stereotype that the town in which she lives in has cast for her, which makes her stick out; and throughout the film, various people including her Mother and old school friends, try to mould her into who they think she should be. Do they succeed? That would be telling, you'll have to watch the film!
Hilly Holbrook is played by the lovely Bryce Dallas Howard;
The mark of a good actor is when they can make you hate them as well as love them. Bryce does an incredible job with Hilly in this film. I don't think they could have cast it any better here. She was snooty, superior, snotty, two faced, devious, malicious and an all round nasty piece of work. This character cares little, if anything, for anyone other than herself. She is deceitful, and manages to manipulate anyone and everything to get what she wants. Not many can see through her.
Also the costume design for these two above characters is stunning. Some of the outfits were gorgeous, the dress worn by Hilly on the film poster is incredible; and the majority of Skeeter's dresses and outfits are simple yet elegant, feminine and pretty. Hilly's clothes are loud and colourful, like her character, while Skeeter's are more refined and understated while still having charm and class.
Take a look;
Aibileen Clark is played by Viola Davis;
Aibileen is a far more introverted character. She is quite and keeps herself to herself. Yet below she is loving and kind, tender-hearted, thoughtful and brave. She is guarded around everyone, except Minny and the little girl who belongs to the lady she works for. Aibileen's true colours are seen in the way in which she talks and cares for the little girl who is not unloved, but disliked by her vain Mother. Aibileen is a real sweetheart.
Minny Jackson is played by Octavia Spencer;
She isn't half as complex as her good friend Aibileen. She is sassy and cheeky, which sometimes lands her in trouble. Yet she is as brave as Aibileen, if not more so. She shows true courage, and stands up for herself. She is also loyal, and faithful to those she loves.
And not forgetting Celia Foote, played by Jessica Chastain;
Celia is so lovable! You just want to be her friend. You can't help but love her. All her pains become yours, Jessica does a fantastic job of making completely endearing Celia to the audience. She is clumsy and bit of a ditz, but she is funny and happy, she wants everyone to get along and be happy with her. She has a huge heart and wants the best for everyone. She desperately wants to be the perfect wife, yet she can't even cook chicken!
Celia and Minny |
The relationships in this film are all subject to change, and many new and seemingly odd friendships are formed throughout. Old friendships die and are replaced by more meaningful ones. This film shows that it's important not to judge someone on the basis of their skin colour, or their background, where they come from or even just because they aren't who you want them to be.
One of the main things that jumps out at you as you watch it is how people will do anything to be considered normal, and fit in with everyone around them. People are like sheep. No one questioned whether it was right to treat their maids so badly, it was just the done thing. Just because everyone does it doesn't make it right. The treatment of the black maids is shown for what it was, cruel, and pathetic. So many women had to go out and raise children that weren't theirs while their own children were being raised by someone else. And many of these mothers had no idea or just didn't care about their children. Many of the white women truly didn't deserve to be Mothers.
The interaction between all of the characters is well played. A huge array of different emotions are generated throughout the film, including rage, anger, sadness, heartache, and disbelief. The cheery, shallow and seemingly bright life of the white women with no cares is contrasted to that of the life of the black women who have to work their fingers to the bone cleaning and cooking, caring for children and then returning to their own families and having to repeat the whole process all over again.
This film is full of laughter and lessons, and leaves you with hope and a smile. Anything can be changed. Anyone can make a difference.Skeeter knew that the treatment of the black maids was wrong and inhumane, but unlike everyone else she was willing to do something about it.
This film with break your heart in two, and then sew it back together again.
I highly recommend this film to everyone. Although on a side note you might want to check the certification before letting children watch this.
Skeeter, Minny and Aibileen |
EXCELLENT film. One of 2011's best.