Friday, April 20, 2012

My Mummy and Daddy are coming too!

So, you all know about God providing me with the means to attend Bible college  in California this August. But yesterday, my Dad was accepted to attend Seminary in California too!! My family are going to be living about two hours away from my college!

Having thought I was going to be thrown right into the deep end, not seeing my Mummy for two whole years, I now only have to spend, at the most, 6 months in a different country on my own.
My Dad's school year will start in January, while mine starts in August. So if they can go out to California before next year if they can raise the funds etc.

I think this is so graceful of God; I mean, I don't seem to do very well without my Mummy. It's not that I can't function without her, she has trained me well, cooking, cleaning, washing, etc...... I just don't like to.
So instead I only have to survive for a while before I see my family again. And I really don't like Skype!


  1. Yayayayayayayay! That's awesome! I'm not quite sure I would be able to be away from MY mom for that long either :)
    Isn't it amazing how God does these things?!
    1 John 3:16-20

  2. I know! Some of the stuff that's been happening this month is incredible! xxxx

  3. Wow! Many praises to God for that! Now you'll all be together in California. That's so amazing!


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